MWCBC boatshow

Mountainview Woodies Classic Boat Club

..a brief history

MWCBC was originally formed in 1993 when a group of wooden boat enthusiasts met for an afternoon of fun at a friend's beach.  As usual, talk turned to the boats and thus the club was born.    The first Antique and Classic Boat Show consisted of a single rope attached to the Naples Town Pier to which was tied a few of the friends' boats.  In 2003 the club was officially chartered as a chapter of the Antique and Classic Boat Society.  The show generally features 30+ entries and grows in size and popularity every year.  

Mountainview Woodies Spring Cruise

Our 2024 Spring Cruise will be held on Saturday June 1, 2024 beginning at 10:00 AM.  This is our 10th Annual Spring Cruise.   We will be launching from the town ramp in Harrison, and ample trailer parking will be available.  We will take a casual tour down the lake stopping for lunch at the Freedom Cafe where we will dine off their menu.  RSVP is requested so we can give the Freedom Cafe a headcount so they know how many to set up and plan for if we can dine inside at that time.   Please RSVP for this event by emailing us with the count in your party.  You won't want to miss kicking off the season with us!        

2017 Spring Cruise
Rick F, Video

2017 Boat Show
Jon M, Video

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Mountainview Woodies 2024 Naples Boat Show

2004 boatshow In the days leading up to the Saturday show, additional events have also been held, including a Sebago Lake tour and picnic, a reception followed by an antique boat parade, and a charity event in which rides are given to children at Camp Sunshine on Sebago Lake.  Camp Sunshine is a retreat for children dealing with major health issues, and the rides on the vintage boats have proven to be very popular with the children and with the participants alike. We hope to be able to do this event well into the future.

The Mountainview Woodies Classic Boat Club of Maine will be holding our 31st Annual Antique and Classic Boat and Car Show on Saturday, August 10, 2024 from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM at the Naples Town Docks. Related events are listed below.
  • Tuesday, August 6. After 3 years removed from this event due to the pandemic, we were approved starting last year to give rides for campers at Camp Sunshine. Come donate your time and a little fuel to give these kids an experience that they (and you) will never forget! This is a great way to give back and let them experience a little of the nostalgia and pleasure we all remember from our youth. Enthusiastic boaters can ride from Brandy Pond thru the Songo Locks into Sebago by meeting on Brandy Pond at 10:30 AM.

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  • Wednesday, August 7. Long Lake cruise to Harrison for lunch. Boaters meet in Naples in front of the town docks at 10:00 AM for a casual and relaxing ride up Long Lake. Boaters are free to peel off and explore the scenery. Boaters can order off the menu at the Village Tie Up in Harrison, although you are also welcome to pack a picnic lunch.
  • Thursday, August 8 10:00 AM starting in Brandy Pond for another Sebago Lake cruise. This will be a destination of choice event. We will go for a cruise, then return to swim at the sandbar at the mouth of the river, find a spot for lunch, or have a picnic on the sandbar. Bring your picnic lunch with you. Cruise details will likely be ironed out on the day of the event based on the participant's desires.
  • Friday, August 9 Banquet at Freedom Cafe 4:00 PM, where we expect to be ordering off the menu. That will be followed by our annual Arrival Parade at 7:00 PM starting from Brandy Pond. This is a real crowd pleaser!
For more information email the show chairman. Join us once for the events and you'll understand why we do this year after year! 

Mountainview Woodies 2024 Fall Foliage Tour

Fall Foliage Cruise 2024.

  Our 2024 Foliage Cruise will be held on Saturday October 12, 2024 beginning at 10:00 AM on Kezar Lake.  This event has grown in popularity every year since its inception.   We have free launching from the public boat ramp on Kezar Lake which is located immediately after the Kezar Lake Marina at 219 W. Lovell Rd and is on Town Beach Road, Lovell, ME.   Please do not try to launch at the marina. After launching we will congregate at the open docks at the Kezar Lake Marina. They have offered us those spots to tie up while we get organized.   We will cruise the lake and then end up at the Pleasant Point Inn for lunch. If you have room in your boat for passengers and you are willing to take them, please let me know how many you are comfortable taking in case somebody needs a ride.   Lunch details will get ironed out as the time gets closer. Please RSVP for this event by emailing us with the count in your party.  Trust me, you won't want to miss this fantastic event.        

2016 Fall Foliage Cruise, Long Lake Maine

2016 Foliage Cruise
Greg B, Video

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Upcoming Events

We look forward to seeing you at any and all of our events!

Please email us and we'll be happy to send you a show application.

Other Great Antique Boating Events

24th Annual NELG Lyman Show
The date for the 24th Annual New England Lyman Group Lyman Show will be Saturday, June 8, 2024 from 9 to 2 at the public docks in beautiful Wolfeboro, NH on Lake Winnipesaukee. The rides and picnics will be posted on their site once the destinations are determined and are for any antique boater. All our MWCBC friends are cordially invited to join us. If you can trailer your boat, please consider joining us for the cruises. They will be held on the Thursday and Friday leading up to the Show. All lapstrakes are invited to participate in the show. Contact by emailing Bob and Betsy or calling (603) 591-5176.
Fifth Annual NELG Fall Cruise
The date for the Fifth Annual New England Lyman Group Fall Cruise will be Saturday, October 5, 2024. Join us for our 5th Annual Fall Foliage Cruise on Squam Lake of On Golden Pond fame. We plan to stop at Walter's Basin for lunch. The scenery is awesome and the boating doesn’t get any better than cruising On Golden Pond in the fall. It's a GREAT ride you won't want to miss! All our MWCBC friends are cordially invited to join us. If you can trailer your boat, please consider joining us for the cruise. Contact by emailing Bob and Betsy or calling (603) 591-5176.

56 Coronado                                                                                               

We encourage and invite your membership in the MWCBC, which is made through the ACBS.